My E30 or how it all started

So as I finally made it, I'm 18 years old and got my driver's license, I was searching for a car. Mostly I was searching for an E30 because I grew with my mom having one. Many searches later I found her, a 1988 318i from Germany.

The car was in pretty good condition, only had one owner in Germany. By looking at the car you could tell that the previous owner took care of it. The day I got it, it only had 193k km's on the odometer. Pretty rare for such an old car.

There was minor rust on the car, all of which got fixed during the summer of 2012. Also, I got rid of the fiberglass bumper it had. The steel one underneath is much better for me.

Not much has happened lately, mostly been riding and enjoying it. But this is going to change this summer, coilovers will get ordered and much more things to come. Here are some more pictures until I can do the next update on it.


Mint green MK2 Jetta
Lowered daily driver on air
This car is a Jetta..
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